Stock Type Registry entry

Specifies which type of security stock is used to print each type of certificate, and allows Vitalware to monitor stock levels and provide an alert when stock levels are running low.


This Registry entry is assigned at the system level only:

Key 1System
Key 2Setting
Key 3Stock Type
Key 4stock



is a type of stock recorded in the Stock module, e.g.

  • Security Stock
  • Birth Security Stock
  • Death Security Stock
  • Marriage Security Stock


is a semicolon separated list of certificate codes, i.e:

  • BC - Birth Certificate
  • DC - Death Certificate
  • MC - Marriage Certificate

In this first example, all certificates are printed on the same stock (which is true in the majority of cases):

SystemSettingStock TypeSecurity StockBC;DC;MC

Where different stock is used for different types of certificate, multiple entries would be added, e.g.:

SystemSettingStock TypeBirth Security StockBC
SystemSettingStock TypeDeath Security StockDC
SystemSettingStock TypeMarriage Security StockMC


This entry specifies that the stock type recorded as Security Stock in the Stock module is used when issuing Birth (BC), Death (DC) and Marriage (MC) certificates:

Key 1 System
Key 2 Setting
Key 3 Stock Type
Key 4 Security Stock
Value BC;DC;MC